Adults-Only (16+)
Tropical Hideaway

  • Immerse in holistic wellness, vibrant events, and beachfront relaxation.

  • Select

Why book directly with us?

Price Guarantee

Price Guarantee

Book directly with us and relax knowing you’ve got the best price possible on your stay.

Free Transfers

Free Transfers

Complementary pick up at Haad Rin Pier.

10% off Food & Beverage

10% off Food & Beverage

10% off Exhale Spa

10% off Exhale Spa

Early Check-in & Late Check-out

Early Check-in & Late Check-out

Arrive earlier and linger longer with flexible check-in and check-out to suit your plans.

Support Paradise

Support Paradise

Every time you book directly with us, we support funding for the community on Koh Samui or Koh Phangan.


Want to get off-grid and immerse in holistic wellness? Lose yourself in a Full Moon Party or work remotely from paradise?

With beachy eats and drinks, unique events and inspiring workspaces, Explorar Luxury Resorts and Hotels Koh Phangan invites you to Experience, Exchange and Exhale.


Make A Difference With Explorar

Through planting trees, keeping our beaches clean, supporting local kids and more, Explorar Hotels & Resorts commits every day to caring for Koh Phangan, and you can get involved.

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